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  • Cyprus
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  • Denmark
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  • Finland
  • France
  • Germany (DE)
  • Greece
  • Hungary
  • Ireland
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Shipping terms

Delivery times

You will find information about the delivery times with the respective articles. Next to the articles you will find coloured dots. Green: Goods are ready for dispatch; Yellow: Delivery time is usually 5 - 10 days or it is a pre-order item ('plant material') with its own delivery time; Red: Currently not available.
Pre-order items are recorded and dispatched as a separate order.

Please note that the delivery times described may vary depending on the season.

Delivery times to foreign countries may vary.

Delivery within Germany

In the following table you find the shipping costs for your delivery within Germany:

Product groupVAT.Commercial customers
(excl. VAT)
Private customers
(incl. VAT)
Seeds, books and garden tools: Packages with product-weights </= 0,8 kg and a value < 45 € (incl. VAT)7 %4.35 €4.65 €
Seeds, books and garden tools: Packages with product-weights > 0,8 kg and a value < 45 € (incl. VAT)7 %7.65 €8.19 €
Seeds, books and garden tools: Packages with value =/> 45 € (incl. VAT) 0.00 €0.00 €
Plant material (in each case for onion sets, garlic, penonies, flower bulbs)7 %7.65 €8.19 €
If more than 50 % of the order value is from the category ‚garden tools‘ the shipping costs are calculated applying 19 % VAT.19 %4.35 €5.18 €


We are sending your products as merchandise mail and shipment tracking, UPS / DHL (for packages) or exclusively DHL (for shipping to Packstations).

Partial deliveries

For items with different shipping dates within the product group of ‘seeds and books’, you may decide if you prefer partial delivery during the checkout process. In case the seeds should to be sent to you as soon as possible, we will charge shipping costs for each delivery. Otherwise we send the products  in one delivery as soon as all items are available and charge delivery-costs only once.
If your order contains additional products from the product group ‘plant material’, the shipping costs for those will be charged extra in any case. Apart from onion sets and garlic all plant material orders are charged individually, as we cannot ship these with one delivery due to different delivery periods.
During the checkout in your ordering process, you will see the exact costs.


If you want to re-order products from a previous order, the delivery is charged in full for the new order.

Delivery abroad

  • Private customers are only supplied within the EU Countries and the EFTA.
  • For orders abroad the actual cost of carriage is calculated. See below for a table of prices.
  • Commercial customers within the EU are requested to provide their VAT number – without the information delivery is not possible. If you do not possess a VAT number we request you to confirm this in writing.
  • For deliveries to customers in the EU who have a VAT number we require acknowledgement of delivery. The order agreement requires customers to fill in and return the delivery confirmation form sent out with the order.
  • Please make payments from abroad in Euros.
  • Delivery charges will be indicated during the ordering process. When you click on “checkout” in the “shopping cart”, the delivery charge based on the collective weight of the items, the total value of the goods and the delivery destination will appear in the cart.
  • The cost of packing is included within the delivery charge.
  • Young plants, flower bulbs and peonies are not sent abroad.

Costs of delivery abroad

The following table shows the net cost of delivery to your country. The prices are valid for package-weights up to 25 kg. For orders with product weight from 25 to 50 kg, two packages are packed and the delivery costs are duplicated.

CountriesPackages with product-weights </= 0,8 kg and a value < 250 €a) Packages with product-weights > 0,8 kg
b) Packages with a value > 250 € and product-weights </= 0,8 kg
 excl. VATexcl. VAT
Belgium, Netherlands, Luxemburg7.65 €19.25 €
EFTA-countries and other EU-countries8.75 €21.45 €

Please note that the VAT rate of the delivery country is added to the delivery costs.

Note: If you have your delivery adress in another country, outside the above mentioned, please contact us via email.