Books for hobby gardeners
- Aussaatkalender Z047
The book is written in German. For further information about the content, please switch to the German online-shop. Title: Aussaatkalender Author: Gartengemüsekiosk Page count: 13 Weight/Dimensions: 250 Grams / 29.6 x 21 x 0.5 cm (...
€20.00€16.81Ready to ship, delivery period: about 3-5 working days iThis information relates to shipping within Germany. The delivery times abroad can deviate from this. You can find here further details on the delivery times.
- Das Saisongartenkochbuch Z024
The book is written in German. For further information about the content, please switch to the German online-shop. Title: Das Saisongartenbuch Author: Marianne Kissel-Lesser, Werner Lesser, Dorothee and Klaus North Publisher: Synergia-Ve...
€20.00€18.69Ready to ship, delivery period: about 3-5 working days iThis information relates to shipping within Germany. The delivery times abroad can deviate from this. You can find here further details on the delivery times.
- Das sensationelle Winterhochbeet Z060
The book is written in German. For further information about the content, please switch to the German online-shop. Title: Das sensationelle Winterhochbeet Author: Doris Kampas Publisher: Löwenzahn Verlag Page count: 120 Weight/Dimensions: 644 ...
€19.90€18.60Ready to ship, delivery period: about 3-5 working days iThis information relates to shipping within Germany. The delivery times abroad can deviate from this. You can find here further details on the delivery times.
- Das unglaubliche Hochbeet Z055
The book is written in German. For further information about the content, please switch to the German online-shop. Title: Das unglaubliche Hochbeet Author: Doris Kampas Publisher: Löwenzahn Page count: 120 Weight/Dimensions: 600 g / 20 x ...
€19.90€18.60Ready to ship, delivery period: about 3-5 working days iThis information relates to shipping within Germany. The delivery times abroad can deviate from this. You can find here further details on the delivery times.
- Frisches Gemüse im Winter ernten Z042
The book is written in German. For further information about the content, please switch to the German online-shop. Title: Frisches Gemüse im Winter ernten Author: Wolfgang Palme Publisher: Löwenzahn Page count: 382 Weight/Dimensio...
€34.90€32.62Ready to ship, delivery period: about 3-5 working days iThis information relates to shipping within Germany. The delivery times abroad can deviate from this. You can find here further details on the delivery times.
- Gartenkalender "taschenGarten" Z039
The book is written in German. For further information about the content, please switch to the German online-shop. Calendar: One week per page Editor: Gärtnerei Rübchen Editorial work, texts and drawings: Anja Banzhaf & Kati Bohner Publisher: oek...
€22.00€20.56Ready to ship, delivery period: about 3-5 working days iThis information relates to shipping within Germany. The delivery times abroad can deviate from this. You can find here further details on the delivery times.
- Gärtnern im Klimawandel Z056
The book is written in German. For further information about the content, please switch to the German online-shop. Title: Gärtnern im Klimawandel Author: Norbert Griebl Publisher: Haupt Verlag Page count: 224 Weight/Dimensions: 571 g / 15,5 x 2...
€28.00€26.17Ready to ship, delivery period: about 3-5 working days iThis information relates to shipping within Germany. The delivery times abroad can deviate from this. You can find here further details on the delivery times.
- Handbuch Bio-Balkongarten Z031
The book is written in German. For further information about the content, please switch to the German online-shop. Title: Handbuch Bio-Balkongarten Author: Andrea Heistinger Publisher: Löwenzahn Page count: 302 Weight/Dimensions: ...
€32.90€30.75Ready to ship, delivery period: about 3-5 working days iThis information relates to shipping within Germany. The delivery times abroad can deviate from this. You can find here further details on the delivery times.
- Handbuch Biogemüse Z016
The book is written in German. For further information about the content, please switch to the German online-shop. Title: Handbuch Biogemüse Author: Andrea Heistinger, Arche Noah Publisher: Löwenzahn Page count: 632 Weight/Dimensi...
€44.90€41.96Ready to ship, delivery period: about 3-5 working days iThis information relates to shipping within Germany. The delivery times abroad can deviate from this. You can find here further details on the delivery times.
- Handbuch Samengärtnerei Z013
The book is written in German. For further information about the content, please switch to the German online-shop. Title: Handbuch Samengärtnerei Author: Andrea Heistinger, Arche Noah, Pro Specie Rara Publisher: Löwenzahn Page count: ...
Currently not available - Klimastarke Gemüse Z061
The book is written in German. For further information about the content, please switch to the German online-shop. Title: Klimastarke Gemüse: Reiche Ernte mit robusten Sorten Author: Sigrun Hannemann Publisher: Haupt Verlag Page count: 208 Wei...
€28.00€26.17Ready to ship, delivery period: about 3-5 working days iThis information relates to shipping within Germany. The delivery times abroad can deviate from this. You can find here further details on the delivery times.
- Koch-Kunst Z017
The book is written in German. For further information about the content, please switch to the German online-shop. Title: Koch-Kunst Author: Gärtnerhof Röllingsen Page count: 130 Weight/Dimensions: 364 g / 15 x 21 x 1.4 cm (Book) c...
€11.99€11.21Ready to ship, delivery period: about 3-5 working days iThis information relates to shipping within Germany. The delivery times abroad can deviate from this. You can find here further details on the delivery times.
- Kräuter richtig anbauen Z049
The book is written in German. For further information about the content, please switch to the German online-shop. Title: Kräuter richtig anbauen Author: Andrea Heistinger, Verein Arche Noah Publisher: Löwenzahn Page count: 312 We...
€29.90€27.94Ready to ship, delivery period: about 3-5 working days iThis information relates to shipping within Germany. The delivery times abroad can deviate from this. You can find here further details on the delivery times.
- Mein Biogemüse Garten Z044
The book is written in German. For further information about the content, please switch to the German online-shop. Title: Mein Biogemüse Garten Author: Annette Holländer Publisher: Edition Michael Fischer GmbH Page count: 240 Weig...
Currently not available - Naturwerkstatt - Samen und Gemüse Z037
The book is written in German. For further information about the content, please switch to the German online-shop. Title: Naturwerkstatt – Samen und Gemüse Author: Andrea Frommherz Publisher: atVERLAG Page count: 215 Weight/Dimens...
€24.90€23.27Ready to ship, delivery period: about 3-5 working days iThis information relates to shipping within Germany. The delivery times abroad can deviate from this. You can find here further details on the delivery times.
- Schau mal, was da wächst Z063
The book is written in German. For further information about the content, please switch to the German online-shop. Title: Schau mal, was da wächst: Nachhaltig gärtnern mit Kindern Author: Annette Holländer Publisher: oekom Verlag Page count: ...
€21.00€19.63Ready to ship, delivery period: about 3-5 working days iThis information relates to shipping within Germany. The delivery times abroad can deviate from this. You can find here further details on the delivery times.
- Selbstversorgt Z040
The book is written in German. For further information about the content, please switch to the German online-shop. Title: Selbstversorgt Author: Silke Kluth Publisher: Gräfe und Unzer Verlag GmbH Page count: 174 Weight/Dimensions:...
€16.99€15.88Ready to ship, delivery period: about 3-5 working days iThis information relates to shipping within Germany. The delivery times abroad can deviate from this. You can find here further details on the delivery times.
- Slowflowers Z058
The book is written in German. For further information about the content, please switch to the German online-shop. Title: Slowflowers: Wilde Gärten & ungezähmte Bouquets Author: Chantal Remmert & Grit Hartung Publisher: Haupt Verlag Page count...
€34.00€31.78Ready to ship, delivery period: about 3-5 working days iThis information relates to shipping within Germany. The delivery times abroad can deviate from this. You can find here further details on the delivery times.
- Wie du dein eigenes Saatgut gewinnst Z050
The book is written in German. For further information about the content, please switch to the German online-shop. Title: Wie du dein eigenes Saatgut gewinnst Author: Sigrid Drage Publisher: Löwenzahn Page count: 240 Weight/Dimens...
€29.90€27.94Ready to ship, delivery period: about 3-5 working days iThis information relates to shipping within Germany. The delivery times abroad can deviate from this. You can find here further details on the delivery times.