Türkischer Gewürzpaprika
Türkischer Gewürzpaprika is a hot, early mid-season bell pepper with thin-skinned blunt ended fruits that ripen from dark green to red. 7-8 cm long. Suitable for fresh consumption as well as for drying. Sharpness grade: 3.
Sowing calendar
Jan | Feb | Mar | Apr | May | Jun | Jul | Aug | Sep | Okt | Nov | Dec | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Sowing for planting |
Planting in greenhouse |
Planting outside |
Harvest |
Note: Sharpness graded on a scale of 10: 0 (mild) to 10 (very hot).Ripening: medium earlySuitable for growing: open ground, under glassBotanical name: Capsicum annuumType: spice pepperShape of fruit: blunt ended, conical, longColour when ripe: dark green - redThickness of flesh: thick
Breeder: RS b-d EHZMultiplier: ReinSaat KG Cerifications: Demeter, EU-Standard
Raise in seed bed: for greenhouse: January till end of February for planting out from beginning of March till beginning of May for open ground: from beginning of March till beginning of April for planting out from beginning till end of May
increasingly from
ReinSaat KG